Dear Money


have you ever wrote a letter to Money?

Well I just saw a video and the lady said to write a letter to Money!

here is the video that I just watch;

Here is my letter;

Dear Money,

its me Maryjoy, I have to admit that our relationship has been hard, I did not pay attention to you, I did not think about you and I have taken you for granted. I did not know how to handle you being in my life, there was no one to teach me about you.

Today I finally found out that you are more than just some thing, that your in my life whose important to me, I am sadden by my past action toward you, can you ever forgive me, can you help me get to know you better, can you help me let go off these feelings of not having you in my life, can you show me how to respect you more?

my dear money, I have not realise how I felt about you, can we finally release what is blocking you to be in my life.


love 💗



Prosperity Game


The more I read this ebook, 30 Days Law of Attraction the more I am learning new ways to Attract Abundance in my life.

Have you heard about the Prosperity Game?

well let me share it with you here;

for the next 30 days, write a check to yourself from the Universe.

start with the amount of £1000 on day 1

then on the day 2 – it’s £2000 or dollars

each day you add a thousand more.

for each day you think of what you will spend it on, you must spend it all, do not save it, this is yours to spend that is given to you.

while doing this, you will notice a lot of things but here is video that will explain more.

Here is an example of a check that you can use for this game!


Make it today’s date, write your name on the Pay and from the Universe.

There’s a lot of website that explain this as well, just Google Prosperity Game. What I found is to imagine what you would spend it all on, to have fun doing it and also some says you will learn about Money Blocks and this I must say I can relate to.

Money block and why i have been struggling lately because of the way that I was thinking about Money.

So let’s play the Game, Enjoy it, Let your Imagination take you to your Money Abundance and don’t forget to come back and Share your journey with me!

I even got my boyfriend thinking about this Prosperity Game too.

Let’s have fun, guys 😉

1,2,3,let’s go…..


Much Love 💕
